Back in the 1970s, the survival rate for people with cancer was less than 25%, today this figure has doubled with a 50% survival rate. This feat has only been possible because of all the work and research conducted by charities such as Cancer Research UK.

2016 so far has seen a number of legendary people taken from us too soon as a result of a cruel disease which we call cancer. David Bowie, Alan Rickman, and Motorhead front man Lemmy are just a few of the people taken from us in the last 6 weeks alone! Leading a healthy lifestyle, eating well and exercise is said to reduce the likelihood of getting cancer, but sometimes this isn’t enough and the disease has other ideas no matter how much you’ve taken care of your body.

Over the next 20 years, the aim of Cancer Research is to raise the survival rate figure to 75%. This is a big ambition but it can be done with the support of the British public and business community.

This is why Mobility-Plus is extremely proud to support such a cause, so much so that we have donated just over £530k to Cancer Research since our partnership began. We are pleased to donate £100 to the charity with every full bathroom sale and we hope to continue our support of Cancer Research as long as we are able to.

The money raised goes towards the support of research in all types of cancer, as well as investigating the biology of the disease in general which it is hoped will be vital knowledge that will save more lives. They also hope to develop new tests, surgery and treatments that will benefit cancer patients and prolong life even further. We will continue to donate £100 from every bathroom sold at Mobility-Plus to Cancer Research for the foreseeable future to contribute to the aim of 75% survival rate within the next 20 years.

For more details on the work conducted by Cancer Research as well as further details about the disease itself including symptoms, causes, treatments and survival stories. See website here

Cancer Research UK Logo

If you’d like further information on how we support Cancer Research UK, Click here to find out more